Thursday, March 6, 2008


I teach my first stations of Stroller Strides tomorrow. I am excited. A little nervous, but I have a feeling I'll be pulling on all my experience in front of the wee ones on Maui and effectively acting like a crazy person, but what the hey - the kids all loved me, right?

John has been out of town since Tuesday and gets back on Saturday. Really, I don't know how single mothers do it. Especially single mothers who work outside the home. I am so fortunate to have an involved daddy. Hurry back, I said!

John is working with his family on an internet venture in beautiful, warm, sunny, calm Southern California. I am surrounded by trails of thousands of ants and multiple poopy diapers a day. Creepy crawlies and squishy smellies! 

Can I blame it on all this, then, that I totally stood up a friend tonight? That I actually had a social engagement, with a live person, and I flaked?! I didn't show or call?! I forgot?! (And I wonder why I don't have friends...)

(Sorry, Kori!)


The Smith Family said...

You are so funny. I am sure your class went super! I second the motion about the Daddys coming home! Ryan is out of town for 3 days and I am ready for him to come back!!!!